Commercial Law, Labour Law, M&A, Civil Law

Economic Mediation and Arbitration, Court Proceedings, Legal Representation, Debt Collection

Restructuring, Bankruptcy, Compensation, Medical devices

Construction Law, Real Estate, Administrative and court-administrative proceedings

Competition protection, Personal rights of the entrepreneur, Protection of Personal Data

Accounting Outsourcing, Accounting Consulting and Corporate Services, HR and Payroll Outsourcing, Audit

Tax consultancy, Transfer pricing, Compliance Services, IP Box, R&D

Training - VAT, PIT and CIT as well as other legal and tax

Legal and financial and economic translations

Prawo Handlowe, Prawo Pracy, M&A, Prawo cywilne

Mediacja Gospodarcza i Arbitraż, Postępowania sądowe, Zastępstwo procesowe, Windykacja

Restrukturyzacja, Upadłość, Odszkodowania, Wyroby medyczne

Prawo Budowlane, Nieruchomości, Postępowanie administracyjne oraz sądowo administracyjne

Ochrona Konkurencji, Dobra osobiste przedsiębiorcy, Ochrona Danych Osobowych

Outsourcing księgowy, Doradztwo Księgowe i Corporate Services, Outsourcing kadrowo-płacowy, Audyt

Doradztwo podatkowe, Ceny transferowe, Compliance Services, IP Box, R&D

Szkolenia - VAT, PIT i CIT oraz inne prawno-podatkowe

Tłumaczenia prawnicze i finansowo-gospodarcze

Grażyna Bańbor

Independent accountant | Chief accountant
Grażyna Bańbor, główna księgowa CNKP


A graduate of the Faculty of Economics at the University of Economics in Poznań. She has many years of experience in working in accounting departments of companies with various business profiles.

She gained basic professional skills in leasing companies, where she learned a wide range of accounting issues, from basic to complex problems in the field of balance sheet reporting and in the field of VAT and CIT settlements. In one of them, she was the deputy chief accountant for many years.

In the following years, she gained further professional experience in a listed company dealing with investing in renewable energy sources, and in one of the special purpose vehicles she was responsible for the entire area related to balance sheet and tax reporting.

At CNKP, she deals with independent book-keeping and settlement of all public and legal liabilities, supporting younger associates with her experience and competences.